The deadline to submit your proposal is midnight EST on April 20th, 2018
The Program Content Team for the 11th Annual Summit on Performance Management Excellence invites you to submit a proposal to present at this year’s Summit. All submissions are due by midnight EST on April 20th, 2018.
Share with VR program evaluation and quality assurance professionals:
- Completed or ongoing research and program evaluations
- Successful practices which may not have a formal evaluation
Topic Suggestions:
- Greater emphasis on quality assurance/continuous improvement, as well as program evaluation
- Impact of combined state plans
- Early results and trends in the Common Performance Measures
- Process and results of Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment
- New approaches and successful approaches with customer satisfaction
- Impact of shared services/service integration with other WIOA core partners like your workforce partners
- Impact and response to RSA Monitoring visit Analysis and impact of Quality Assurance policies and procedures in your agency
- Impact of the new 911 Data Elements and Quarterly Reporting on data quality, data analytics and counselor time
- Analysis of the relationships between client characteristics, client services and employment outcomes
Presentation Types:
- Small group discussion of a topic
- Seek feedback on a proposed evaluation design, new policy/procedure
- Discussion of results from an evaluation, assistance in the design of an evaluation
- Discussion of a training plan and how to measure its impact
Poster Session:
- Showcase tools, templates, processes, projects
- “Posters” will most likely be a laptop display or a staffed table
- Mingle with participants, obtain feedback, pick up new ideas
- We hope this will provide another opportunity for participants to take home tested and proven approaches
Questions or comments?
Visit the Conference website.