November 3 - 6, 2020
Cost to Attend: Free | CRCs and CEUs are available!
The 2020 Summit on Performance Management Excellence – Is Going Virtual!
Register today for the 13th Annual Summit on Performance Management Excellence!
We invite you to join us virtually for the same great content and lots of opportunities to connect and network with us as we explore new and proven paths to excellence in performance management and quality assurance in the state vocational rehabilitation system.
Let’s journey together to achieve excellence in providing services to people with disabilities, resulting in quality employment outcomes.
- Get insights into VR strategies - Find out how VR Agencies around the country develop strategies for internal controls, post exit services, program evaluation, case review processes, accurate data collection of credentials, skills gains and other workplace integration processes.
- Explore Evaluation Results - Learn evaluation results and research outcomes from VR practitioners and researchers.
- Collaborate and Share - Meet other professionals in your field to compare notes, share knowledge, and gain new insights.
- Access Resources - Gather new resources and tools to share with your teams and access technical assistance of experts in the field.

Join us in celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs

Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)